Saturday, May 23, 2009

3 months later

I had to withdraw some cash, and stopped playing shortly after my last post.  Since then I redeposited and have played about 700 SNG's.  I started at the 1.10 45 man turbos, and then started mixing in 2.20 180's and 1.75 18 mans.   After Jennifear's article on Bankroll Minimums, I somehow became inspired to follow good bankroll management.  It's been going okay so far, but you can definitely start feeling the swings after a few hundred SNG's:

I'm going to the Indy 500 tomorrow, so I'll have the day off.  Going to war with the 3.25 45 mans on Monday.  Also going to continue grinding the 2.20 180 mans.

Have a nice weekend.

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